Friday, September 28, 2007

A Lesson in Obedience

One of my favorite Civil War heroes is General Thomas Jackson, best know as “Stonewall” Jackson. He was given the name “Stonewall” at the first major battle of the Civil War, the First Battle of Bull Run, because he stood like a “stone wall” in the face of a Union counterattack. His life story is well told in the movie Gods and Generals.

Jackson was highly disciplined, courageous and a military genius. He was also known for his fierce loyalty and devotion to Robert E. Lee. On one occasion, Lee sent a message to Jackson to come by his headquarters and visit with him concerning a certain matter the next time he was in the area.

The next morning, Jackson rose well before dawn, riding by horseback through a heavy snow and arriving at Lee’s headquarters just as the General was having breakfast. Lee expressed surprise on seeing Jackson so soon, commenting that his message did not convey a spirit of urgency, but rather asked Jackson to report at his convenience. Jackson responded, “Sir, your slightest wish is my greatest command.”

When our children were small Patti and I wanted them to understand the importance of obeying God. We taught them the scriptural definition of obedience – obedience is doing exactly what I am asked to do, when I am asked to do it, with the right heart attitude. Delayed obedience, incomplete obedience or begrudging obedience is actually disobedience by God’s definition.

Jesus communicated the importance of obedience like this, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” Obedience is one of the clearest evidences of a sincere love for God. My brother, is your obedience to Christ a complete obedience? Is it timely? Is it done with the right heart attitude? If not, join me in asking God to form in you a heart of absolute obedience to Christ.

Shoulder to Shoulder,

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