Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Amazing Grace!

There is a new movie out that I highly recommend. The movie, titled Amazing Grace, tells the life story of a great champion for Christ, William Wilberforce.  Born in 1759 to a wealthy family, Wilberforce got away from his Christian roots during his college years at Cambridge. Influenced by others with low morals, he was caught up in a hedonistic lifestyle. In 1785 he experienced a spiritual encounter with Christ which he later described as a conversion experience. He resolved to commit his future life and work wholly to the service of God. He sought advice from John Newton, the author of the famed hymn Amazing Grace.  Though now a well-known pastor, Newton had been a slave trader before his salvation experience.

Wilberforce, a member of Parliament since the age of 21, believed that God wanted him to use his influence to end slavery in the British Empire.  In 1791, after almost five years of preparation, he introduced his first anti-slavery bill, aimed at ending the slave trade. The bill was overwhelmingly defeated, but Wilberforce was undeterred. He continued presenting bills each session of Parliament until both houses voted to ban the slave trade in 1807.  He now turned his attention to passing a law that would free all the slaves in the empire. Along with his work in Parliament, he helped found several abolitionist and missions organizations. Now ill and aging, Wilberforce made his final speech before Parliament in 1823, pleading for support of a bill outlawing the practice of slavery. He retired from Parliament the next year but continued his efforts to pass anti-slavery legislation.

He died on the morning of July 29, 1833. William Wilberforce was buried in Westminster Abbey on 3 August, 1833. The funeral was attended by many members from both Houses of Parliament, as well as many members of the public. One month later, Parliament passed the Slavery Abolition Act that gave all slaves in the British Empire their freedom. It had taken more than 40 years for Wilberforce to see his dream fulfilled.

The life of William Wilberforce serves as a great example for believers today. He chose to live on principle, doing the right thing, even when it was unpopular. He persevered, ultimately triumphing over his adversaries and winning the day. He chose a cause that was bigger than himself, a cause worth living and dying for. 

Galatians 6:9-10 reminds us, “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary. So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” My friend in Christ, find a cause worth living and dying for, fight for it with all your might, persevere until the end. 

Shoulder to Shoulder,


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